About Me

Photographer Mike Novak.

For me, photography is a transcendent experience that allows me to utilize the camera to manipulate light and ultimately produce a photograph that I and others can enjoy.  I find this to be an ongoing journey that has brought me joy and love for what I create.

I tend to be an introvert and at times self-conscious.  Photography allows me to overcome these traits and share my work with others, through social media and people I meet while out fine-tuning my craft.

I have a long history with photography, but did not get serious until adulthood.  My first photo was taken with a film camera my father owned.  At the time, he was attending graduate school and working a full-time job, plus supporting a family of four.  He found time to hike up to the big letter U in the hills behind the university.  The picture in question was supposed to be my father standing in front of the letter.  Well, I was 6, maybe 7 years old, and I snapped a photo 10 feet to the left of a trash can.  Maybe one day I will find the negative and make a print.

Growing up, we traveled a lot, and it was not until later that I started to appreciate it.  As a high school student, I owned a film point-and-shoot camera.  Later in my 20s, when digital cameras hit the market, I upgraded to a digital point-and-shoot.  Finally, when I started working, I got my first Canon DSLR, then that followed up with my first Mirrorless camera from Sony.  And for the last few years I have gone back to Canon and primarily photograph using the Canon EOS R5.

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